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Thursday, June 23, 2011
Childish Noel Sheppard Criticizes Jon Stewart For Being Childish
Topic: NewsBusters

Noel Sheppard whines in a June 22 NewsBusters post:

Real men know how to apologize for their mistakes, especially when made on national television.

Apparently we can't put Jon Stewart in this category, for after acknowledging that the fact-checking organization PolitiFact found his statement to Chris Wallace concerning "misinformed" Fox viewers false, he proceeded to childishly spend three minutes listing all the times PF determined FNC's comments were likewise[.]


This is how a child admits a mistake, not a grown man, especially as Stewart chose not to address the error he made the previous evening when he falsely accused Wallace of saying Fox doesn't tell both sides of the story.

Instead, he chose to further belittle the organization that he twice inaccurately besmirched in so many days.

Noel Sheppard is lecturing Stewart on how to act like a man and not a child? The guy who went skulking around with Jesse Ventura to spin conspiracy theories?  The guy who has trouble using anything beyond juvenile language in his headlines? The guy who childishly purports to be shocked by things that are not shocking at all? The guy who has childishly refused to apologize for his lie that Al Gore is only into global warming activism for the money?

This is the guy who thinks he can pass judgment on the maturity of others? Really?

Posted by Terry K. at 10:06 PM EDT

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