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Friday, May 14, 2010
Obama Derangement Syndrome Watch
Topic: WorldNetDaily

Obama is not a fool. He is not incompetent. He is not a madman. He knows exactly what he's doing. He is purposely overwhelming the U.S. economy to create systemic failure, economic crisis and social chaos – thereby destroying capitalism and our country from within. But the bonus is brilliant: As he taxes to death business owners, he also cripples his political opposition.

Rahm Emanuel cynically said, "You never want a crisis to go to waste." It is now becoming clear that the crisis he was referring to is Obama's presidency. As Glenn Beck correctly predicted from day one, Obama is following the plan of Cloward and Piven, two professors at Obama's Columbia University. They created a devious plan to socialize America by overwhelming the system with government spending and entitlement demands. Add up the clues below. Taken individually, they're alarming. Taken as a whole, it is a Machiavellian game plan to overwhelm the system and turn the U.S. into a socialist/Marxist state with a permanent majority that desperately needs government for survival.


Make Puerto Rico a state. Why? Who's asking for a 51st state? Who's asking for millions of new welfare recipients and government-entitlement addicts in the middle of a depression? Obama's plan all along has been to use Puerto Rico to add new Democratic senators, House members and loyal Democratic voters who are dependent on big government. Who but a socialist revolutionary would support this reckless scheme in the middle of a depression? Why now? There is only one answer – OVERWHELM THE SYSTEM.

-- Wayne Allyn Root, May 13 WorldNetDaily column

Posted by Terry K. at 9:11 PM EDT

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